Sydney School of Arts & Humanities
New dates announced soon

Indulge your love of words with a course at Sydney School of Arts & Humanities.
Memoir & Creative Journal
Celebrate in words a special period in your life
Each of us has an original view of the world and a period we want to record for posterity.
Share in a session focused on producing your own personal journal or a memoir narrative celebrating your very own take on life.
Capture a memory or create a journal of travel, parenting, as a garden diary, or for other family events – your unique record of a time to remember.
We explore ideas about:
Developing an ‘observer’ role
Prompting memory & presenting text in an engaging form
Understanding copyright, intellectual property and plagiarism
Blogging – the fun, the fortune and the fame.
Come and enjoy extracts from the journals & memoirs of literary figures and popular celebrities. Keeping a journal is for you alone!
When: TBA – Watch for new dates later in the year.
Fee: $97
Poems of Enlightenment
In search of 'Self' and 'Other'
For thousands of years, poets across the globe have trodden pathways to personal discovery through poetry to share the self within.
This poetry appreciation course examines poetry from across cultures, countries and centuries.
When: Saturdays, 2-5 pm
Suggested Reading
Pablo Neruda, The Heights of Macchu Picchu (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, NY, 1967)
Roger Housden, Ten Poems to Change Your Life (Penguin Random House, UK, 2002)
Stephen Mitchell (ed.), The Enlightened Heart: An Anthology of Sacred Poetry (HarperCollins, New York, 1993)
Norman Rosten Selected Poems, George Braziller, New York, 1979)
When: TBA – Watch for new dates later in the year.
Fee: $97
Sundays with Leonard
Honouring the lyrics of Leonard Cohen
Singer and songwriter Leonard Cohen (b. Sep 21, 1934, Westmount, Canada – d. Nov 10, 2016, Los Angeles).
He entranced audiences around the globe, with thousands attending his performances in Australia in the years leading up to his death in late 2016.
In 2009, while performing in eastern Spain, he collapsed on stage with food poisoning while singing his legendary Bird on a Wire. Still he would continue to perform – a consummate performer and a real trouper. Three days later, on his 75th birthday, he performed in Barcelona, declaring: ‘May your lives be sweet as apples dipped in honey’.
Learn more about Leonard Cohen and share your understanding of Hallelujah, Anthem, A Thousand Kisses Deep and other songs.
When: TBA – Watch for new dates later in the year.
Fee: $97
BOOKINGS VIA EMAIL: enquiry@ssoa.com.au
or click here