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CLOUDLESS LOVE ... in the time of Artificial Intelligence


What would you do if your life became dependent on Artificial Intelligence, and then it vanished overnight?

Well, SSOA has just published a novel which deals with the controversial current debate over AI. Robert Carrick is the author of CLOUDLESS LOVE, and here is an outline of the story. Don't worry, there's no spoiler, so you can simply read on here ...

It 2035 in Sydney’s new city of Bradfield, two women set up a nightclub called Cloudless, where people leave their AI enabled devices and robots at the door. A singer-songwriter from Far North Queensland completes the love triangle. Then the world’s dominant AI platform pulls the plug without warning.

This is the story of three Australians travelling north at the end of the world as they’ve known it, who find love triumphs in complex and unpredictable ways.

Robert Carrick's novel, titled 'CLOUDLESS LOVE ... IN THE TIME OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE' is a cracker. It's available from Ariel Bookstore Paddington in Sydney, other leading bookstores, and online at Amazon, Booktopia and a swathe of online booksellers in paperback and Kindle and Apple e-versions.

Click through to buy here:

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